New General Secretariat
- Invitation Journée internationale des femmes et des filles de science 2025
- إعلان عن مناصب شاغرة في الاتحاد الإفريقي – دعوة لتقديم الترشحات
- ب/خ الترشح للالتحاق بالدفعة الثانية لشبكة النساء الإفريقيات للوقاية من النزاعات على المستوى القاري
- ب/خ دعوة لتقديم طلبات للمشاركة في برنامج المنح الإفريقية TICAD-8
- دعوة الترشح لجوائز الإنجازات المتميزة في مجال العلوم والتكنولوجيا لسنة 2025 المنظمة من قبل اللجنة الدائمة حول التعاون العلمي والتكنولوجي “كومستيك” التابعة لمنظمة التعاون الإسلامي
Tasks of the General Secretariat
The General Secretariat shall undertake the following:
Ensuring the management of the professional path of university employees while respecting the powers of the college and the institute in this fieldPreparing the university’s draft budget and following up on its implementation Ensuring follow-up funding for laboratory and research unit activities Ensuring the good conduct of the common interests of the universityDeveloping and promoting cultural and sporting activities programs for the university Ensuring the follow-up and coordination of the university’s internal security plans in coordination with the Ministerial Office for Internal SecurityEnsuring the management and preservation of archives and documentation for the university directorateEnsuring the organization and management of the university officeThe General Secretariat, to which the Organization Office and the Internal Security Office are attached, includes the following sub-directories:
Sub-Directorate for Users and Training Sub-Directorate of Finance and Accounting Sub-Directorate of Means and MaintenanceSub-Directorate for Scientific, Cultural and Sports ActivitiesEvents and announcements
Submission of the directorate
The Sub-Directorate of Means and Maintenance is responsible for the following:
1- Ensuring that the bodies affiliated with the university administration and the common interests are provided with means of transportation.
2- Ensuring the maintenance of movable and immovable properties of the university administration and common interests.
3- Keeping inventory records.
4- Ensuring the preservation and maintenance of the university archives.
5- Ensuring the management of the university’s car park.

Hasna and Summer Alwan
Interests Sub-Directorate of Means and Maintenance
Resources and Inventory Department
Cleaning and maintenance department
Archives Service

- 0021332120720 || 0021332120740
- University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - P.O. Box: 789 El Oued, Algeria
- [email protected]
Related Links
- Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- Human Resources Management Platform
- Digital platforms of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- The digital floor of the Ministry of Progress
- Payment Rights Registration Platform
- Electronic documentation
- University website archive
- Old website in French
- The old website in English
Geographical location
All rights reserved to Martyr Hamma Lakhdar University - El Oued University 2024