
Department of Education, Training and Evaluation

كلمة المشرف على المصلحة

Through this speech, we would like to express our deep appreciation for your tireless efforts and commitment to strengthening foreign relations and international cooperation at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - University of the Valley. Your outstanding work in stimulating communication and organizing scientific events contributes significantly to raising the status of our university on the international scene and opens new horizons for our students and researchers to participate in a global scientific community.

We believe that international partnerships and scientific and cultural exchange play a vital role in achieving our academic and research progress. Through your efforts, we can strengthen communication with leading scientific institutions and international experts, which benefits our university community as a whole.

We look forward to more achievements and successes in the field of foreign relations and international cooperation under your leadership, stressing our full support for all your initiatives that seek to achieve excellence and innovation in our scientific and educational journey.

With respect and appreciation,

Mr :

the university

Directorate news

صلاح عرارم   

موساوي الزوبير

مليكة العانز

رشيد صمامة 

العمرية  بكاكرة 

نصيرة قديري 

بشير خوازم 

ENG FRShort-term stalking