Discussion of two graduation thesis - an emerging institution - at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of the El Oued

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Discussing my graduation thesis - an emerging institution - at the College of Islamic Sciences at Al-Wadi University

On Sunday, June 23, 2024, in the “D” auditorium of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar El Oued, and in the presence of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, two joint graduation memorandums were discussed within Ministerial Resolution No. 1275 of September 27, 2022 regarding the certificate of the first start-up institution labeled “Freelance Application Project.” The second is a “health consultation platform” prepared by the work team consisting of Dr. Muhammad Al-Arabi Babouch as supervisor and the students in the application project, Houria Hamadi, Ratiba Bediyaf, Nahla Babboukha, and Saliha bin Hamza in the health platform project.
The two discussions were held by the committee consisting of representatives of the College of Islamic Sciences, the university business incubator, and the economic partner.
Accompanied by the University Rector, the discussions were attended by his Deputy for External Relations, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, the Dean of the College, Professor Ibrahim Rahmani, the College family and its executives, the Director of the Cancer Control Center, the Sub-Chairman of the El Oued Employment Agency, and students.
After the opening of the discussions by the university director, who thanked the efforts and excellence of the College of Islamic Sciences and the excellence of its members who carry the message of moderation and the values of the homeland and the nation through the emerging institution’s projects, which are not limited to technical colleges only, but are general to all our students. Thankful for their interaction with the decision and the requirements of the labor market, and this is what the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research embody, appreciating the scientific and research efforts of the Director of the Incubator and the scientific and research partnership with the health sector and the Employment Directorate.
The two discussions concluded with the committees congratulating the students on their excellence and awarding the students an excellence rating.

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من جامعة الوادي إلى جامعة ران2 الفرنسية الدكتور ميلودي يحاضر حول التكوين والتعليمية

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