Professor Arif Salah El-Din lectures at El Oued University

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Professor Arif Salah El-Din lectures at El Oued University

Under the supervision of the Director of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, today, May 9, 2024, the Business Incubator, in coordination with the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, organized a lecture entitled “Evaluating Emerging Enterprises” presented by Professor Salah El-Din Arif, PhD in Economic Sciences and Management Sciences, and a member of the jury of the experience examinations in France. In the Mediatech Hall for the benefit of students with emerging enterprise projects, professors and businessmen in the state, and all those interested in the field.
The meeting was opened by the University's Deputy Rector in charge of External Relations, Dr. Farhat Muhammad Fouad, pointing out the aim of the lecture to convey new methods and ideas and to put some concepts on the right track in the field of emerging institutions and their evaluation.

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