
منحة الى جامعة Kragujevac الصربية للاساتذة

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منحة الى جامعة Kragujevac الصربية للاساتذة

Mobility to The university of Kragujevac. Serbie for Accademic Staff‏

The University of ElOued announced a call for applications for Academic staff at the University of Kragujevac, Serbia. In the framework of Erasmus+ KA 171 (exchange mobility)
Duration: 7 Days
The areas covered are:
-Engineering and Engineering Trades
Required documents:


2-Copy of passport

3-Teaching Content 

4-English certificate level (minimum B2)

 5-Motivation Letter

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/PyBqTduKDt5mcgmT6

Deadline: Nouvember9th,2023

المزيد من المقالات

ENG FRتربص قصير المدى